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Common Misconceptions About Breast Cancer

We are living in the age of information disruption. Through technology, knowledge sharing has become quite convenient. An average user spends minimum 2 hours every day accessing internet.


We are living in the age of information disruption. Through technology, knowledge sharing has become quite convenient. An average user spends minimum 2 hours every day accessing internet. A lot of content is generated and it is only imperative that some of it is not genuine. A lot of myths masquerade online as facts and this write-up is an attempt to disprove some of those popular misconceptions.

  1. Breast cancer is hereditary: There is no substantial proof that the Breast Cancer runs in the family. Only 5% of the world breast cancer patients inherit the altered gene. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among Indian women today and having a relative or a family member with breast cancer doesn’t increase the risk.
  2. Wearing bras may increase the risk of breast cancer: The other popular myth in circulation is that the underwire bras may increase the risk of Breast Cancer by restricting the floe of the lymph fluid in the breast causing cancer cells and other toxins to deposit and divide. There is not substantial proof for such claims.
  3. Men can’t get breast cancer: Men have breast tissues that overlie their pectoral muscles. It is a myth that only women get breast cancer. About 2500 men were diagnosed with Breast Cancer in the year 2017; the number is considerably small but it is a myth that Breast Cancer is only associated with women.
  4. Deodorants cause cancer: After several researches, there is no conclusive evidence that the deodorants or other similar cosmetics could cause Breast Cancer. The myth is that the deodorants and anti-odour cosmetics act as anti- precipitant preventing from sweating the toxins under the arm pits which get deposited at the lymph glands. Sweating has got nothing to do with the lymph glands and the above claim is just a popular myth.
  5. Mobile phones cause cancer: One of the most popular myths is that carrying mobiles in the breast pockets or holding the phone closer to the chest may cause Breast Cancer. It is believed that the radio waves cause radiation which may trigger the cancer cell growth. However, the infrared or UV radiation produced in the mobiles are non-ionising. The energy levels of these radiations are too low to cause any affect on the human body. There is no clear conclusive evidence that the infra-red or UV radiation could cause or contribute to cause Breast Cancer.