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How AOI's Expert Opinion Can Help?

Second Opinion From World-Class Oncologists at American Oncology Institute

When diagnosed with cancer, a second opinion can help in making informed decisions related to the treatment. At American Oncology Institute (AOI), we have some of India’s leading cancer specialists under one roof. The quick, easy, and affordable access to our multidisciplinary team of oncologists who are trained to offer specialized therapies makes AOI a preferred choice for seeking a second opinion.

A Second Opinion Is Valuable

  • Gives you an opportunity to review the diagnosis or treatment plan
  • Additional insights on better and advanced treatment options
  • Help you make informed decisions
  • Help you feel more empowered and confident that you are getting the right cancer care
expert opinion

AOI's Second Opinion

How does AOI's Second Opinion Program Work?

Get a second opinion for your diagnosis in just 4 easy steps!

At AOI, we assure you of the best treatment for your condition. Consult us today!


A brand new and comprehensive treatment plan based on AOIs world-class treatment methodology for holistic & patient-centric care.


Open, transparent and comprehensive discussion of your existing diagnosis & suggested treatment plan in an unbiased manner.


Put together a detailed picture of the patient’s condition, current treatment analysis, diagnostic history and possible changes required.


Additional diagnosis, if required, to further evaluate, ascertain and/or validate the current cancer diagnosis and treatment procedures.

Your Treatment

At AOI, we provide second opinion services to both domestic as well as international patients. Anyone looking to seek a second opinion can fill in the form and express interest in the service. The patient’s medical records will then be shared with our multidisciplinary team under appropriate consent, followed by which a call or an appointment will be scheduled. Based on the patient’s health history and case discussion with our specialists, insights will be shared to further discuss and decide the best course of treatment for the patient.

Please fill in the form and submit the details to request an appointment.